Pulled from The New Nomads blog
- Confuse loved ones
- Look for your purpose in life through solitude in nature.
- Get time off work without having to feign illness
- Puff out a flat butt
- Lose weight
- Gain respect and awe from others without having to really do anything other than walk around
- Make people miss you
- Make people worry about you
- Bond with strangers you wouldn’t ordinarily even say hello to in passing
- Good excuse to not bathe
- Good excuse to talk and sing out loud to oneself
- Let bad hair color grow out
- Learn to value the little things in life
- Only have little things in life
- Learn to value and respect nature
- Have mystical experiences
- Easy to bluff mystical experiences to those at home
- Easy way to disappear with secret lover
- Meet soulmate
- Unload soulmate
- Wean yourself away from the poisoned nipple of modern media
- Quality time with recently purchased $500 gadget
- Hide from debt collectors, ex-wives, and angry roommates
- Keep your adult children from moving back in with you
- Put off adulthood
- Create more empathy with the homeless
- Learn to accept help from others
- Learn how to balance a pack on your head
- Develop an admirable tolerance for wet and cold legs
- Finally get to listen to a song all the way through to the end
- Create your own religion
- Make yourself qualified to write a book
- Join interesting community of people who are just as antisocial as you are
- Interesting blog topic
- Find Yourself
- Find God
- Find cool things left behind by other hikers
- Make peace with the voices in your head
- Avoid being constantly tempted by ice cream
- Learn to simplify
- Learn how complex protecting a bag of M & M’s can be
- Be judged not by the amount of money you make, but by the weight on your back
- People just have to take your word for it when you tell them where you are
- Become intoxicated with beauty
- Become intoxicated with exhaustion
- Become intoxicated by idle thoughts of hot water
- Create a 3rd use for the Power Ranger costume
- No reason
- Nothing better to do
- Empty nesting
- Avoiding nesting
- Way to stretch unemployment check
- Raise money for charity
- Become a charity
- Squatting is good for developing balance
- Break Facebook addiction
- Release from the claws of culture
- Ample meditation time
- Orgy of tree hugging
- Excuse to wear nothing but tights
- Breathe clean air
- Create natural dreadlocks
- “hobo” = “athlete”
- Inspire excitement over 10 for $1 ramen noodles
- Belong to the earth
- Belong to nothing
- Belong to whoever has chocolate
- Discover yet another 10 uses for duct tape
- Save gas
- Pay no utilities
- Become more in tune with a natural existence
- Able to not look at yourself in the mirror for many months
- Restore feeling of love for life
- Learn how to eat wild plants without dying
- Great opportunity to practice otherwise useless skills learned at scout camp
- Low exposure to electromagnetic fields
- No chance of drunk texting anyone
- Confront and overcome fears of the dark, animals, death, storms, and loneliness
- Fun
- Acquire an unflattering nickname based on a stranger’s misperception of your primary qualities
- Develop some mighty fine looking legs
- Get that look in your eyes
- Give your mother an actually real reason to worry about you
- Learn to live high on convenience store fare
- You can completely change your personality and blame it on “What happened out there”
- Great excuse to avoid commitment in relationships
- Learn the distinctions between fine granolas
- Eat absolutely whatever you want with no ill effect
- Can practice many variations on the lyrics of “Tom’s Diner”
- Acquire stories to share for a long long time
- Justify purchase of expensive camera
- Take your mind off anything challenging going on in your life
- Learn perseverance
- Potential for pranks on other hikers are varied and numerous and almost always invite use of your Diablo voice
- See men in kilts without going to Scotland
- Redefine cleanliness, hunger, and entertainment for yourself
- Gape in awe at the amount of useless things you own when you return home
- Learn to sink into a night sky
- Gain survival confidence
- Get a groove in your move
101. Get SANE