Sunday, June 30, 2019

Day 1

Miles: 5.75
Total: 5.75

Lauren and I woke this morning with frenzied anticipation of a new adventure. This time around, we decided to share the joy of the PCT with two of my students from Corbett. I have taught one for two years and the other for three years and they are both agreeable kids who were pretty enthusiastic about this adventure. After several conversations with the parents, we felt ready to roll. Lauren and I had some last minute appointments to wrap up before heading out of town, so we didn't hit the trail until 3:30.

Given the later start than anticipated, we were not confident in making the planned for miles, and after a little group chat we decided to cut it short, and tack the miles onto tomorrow, as it appears the miles will be easier.

The hike was fairly non descript today, but several miles passed through a burn zone, which always carries with it an earie presence. Despite the eariness, it still exhibits solid beauty as views are less obstructed and the contrast of burnt trees against sun bleached tree snags is always pleasant.

Just as we neared our camp for the night, a view of Mt Adams opened up. At our camp, B- climbed tonthe top of a nearby hill to sit and watch the sun set. He said that clouds openes up and a great view of Adams awarded his side quest up the rocky knoll.

Our dog Phoenix still had energy to play fetch so we tossed a stick for awhile before hanging our food bag and calling it a night.

It is chilly.

Team Psychricots +2
Psycho and Apricots (Roger and Lauren)

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