Day 58 - August 3
48.7 miles
Total: 2368.7 miles
Moving Avg: 7.6 mph
Overall Avg: 4.9 mph
We slept twelve hours last night. It was needed after a series of semi restless nights, and a hard climb, our bodies were exhausted. We probably would have slept longer, but the morning sun started to shine directly on our tent.
By the time we crawled out of the tent, the sun had taken shelter behind the clouds. It appeared that the clouds were here to stay. A thick light gray blanket stretched across the sky, and the only accent the blanket had were dark patches indicating the potential for rain. Today, the battle was not the heat, but rather the cold.
Fortunately, our day began with a long very gradual climb. We had roughly1500 feet to gain over twenty miles, and after the first five miles of flat terrain, it worked out to a nice steady 100 feet per mile climb. It was such a perfect grade, we were able to cycle in the rain and stay warm. Well, we were moderately warm until we stopped for elevensies, or second breakfast.
The first five miles meandered along a bumpy road with the peaks of Glacier Park pushing into the clouds. It is a shame that the riders we passed today will not get to see them in the same fashion as those who passed yesterday.
Our route then turned westward to climb over the Whitefish Divide. The road shot through forested hillsides that had been solidly managed to prevent wildfires from taking the homes in the area. As we climbed higher, the road became rougher, and we soon passed through a barren burned area. The exposure brought a little wind which chilled us, but it also opened some expansive views of the hillside and valley we were climbing up.
By midday we hit the highpoint for the climb. The light rain had died off, and we had a damp ride down hill. It was a little chilly, but as we lost elevation, the temperature increased, and the weather started to warm. We even had the occasional patch of sun, as we passed through steam clouds from water evaporation off the asphalt.
By the time we reached Eureka we had seen roughly twenty deer and seven cyclists. Tonight we camp in the park behind city hall. Tomorrow we enter Canada.
Live life at a slower place.
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