Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to It

Day 149-September 9th
Destination: Saddle Gap (by Benchmark Mtn.)
Miles: 6 (plus a repeated 16.5)
Cumulative Miles: 2175

The weather called for a good day. Sadly the weather was mildly wrong. It certainly wasn't the torrential downpour we experienced last time we left the Dinsmore's, and we did have some blue patches early in the day. By ten miles, the sun was gone and the off and on sprinkles came.

Our better gear, and the company of other thru-hikers made the trek easier. Sadly, the landscape was shrouded in thick clouds and fog, so we were unable (for a third time) to see what we hiked through. As we head north, we will also be heading eastward, which means the rain should clear up.

We arrived at camp at dark. The last uphill trudge was wet, slick, and a little worrisome. We did not know if there would be a campsite, and neither of us wanted to night hike in the rain. Once we arrived, we quickly set up the tarp, and then set our tent up under it. So far, it seems to be doing the trick of keeping us drier, which means we are happier campers.

It is a little cold, and we have a long day tomorrow.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all have the tarp and are safe. Look for a hobbit or two...that would lighten your day. Take good care and journey on with blessings of safety.
