Day 141-September 1st
Destination: Snoqualmie Pass
Miles: 19.5
Cumulative Miles: 2078.5
We woke from our mostly miserable sleep with mixed emotions. Psycho was set on leaving the trail, or skipping the remainder of Washington at the very least. He wanted to call someone to drive up to the trail and pick us up, but Apricots' kept her head square upon her shoulders motivating him to "face the music and dance."
We donned our wet clothes, and packed up our wet gear. Once you get moving, you start to warm up, so being wet is only a small discomfort. It's the initial prospect of slipping into wet clothes which is so difficult.
Our hike started with some early trail magic, in the form of oranges and sodas. The sky was still fully grey, but the rainfall was minimal, and the overgrowth was largely non-existant. After two miles, we passed an abandoned camp with water for hikers. Had we hiked just two miles further yesterday, we would have had warm chilly and hot dogs, as well as a temporary shelter to put our tent under.
We continued on. The sound of the water buzzing on telephone lines was loud and energetic, perplexing us until we saw what it was that we were hearing.
Shortly after arriving at Snoqualmie Pass, we discovered that Psycho's parents had driven here to see us. Today is his mother's birthday, and she wanted to see her son for her birthday. It was a very pleasant surprise to see them, particularly because it was unexpected and they brought fudge, more warm clothes, and more rain gear.
We shuffled through everything today, drying out our entire collection of gear. The great news is that the next few days are supposed to be very nice, so we should be able to get ourselves further north while staying dry. The hotel is overrun with hikers who have amassed here to dry out and seek break from the grayness.
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Yeah for the trail magic. Boy did you ever need it on this day. Good on your mom and dad. What an unexpected blessing. I'm glad and now you are on the downhill slide of the trek. Journey on with blessings of safety ....xo