Thursday, July 28, 2016

To the county Hoosgow (Jail)

Day 51 - July 27th
51.1 miles
Total: 2085 miles
Moving Avg: 8.7 mph
Overall Avg: 5.2 mph

We had a monumental climb this morning. It wasn't much bigger than other climbs we have done. All in all, it was about 2200 feet to gain. What made it monumental is that most of it was in a three mile stretch. We were pushing our bikes up rocky 10-12 percent grade slopes, and not liking the challenge too much.

In reality, it wasn't too bad. Just a little toasty and humid and steep and rocky. Apricots had a mini freak out at the top. Her odometer tends not to work at slow paces, so she was watching it not tick up for several minutes as she made the slow climb. It was defeating her will to be exerting all this force uphill on her bike, and not see any digital progress on the odometer screen. She finally rage quit, throwing her bike, and helmet. It was sort of funny to see, but I knew it just meant that it was time for second breakfast. Half a mile later we reached the top, and had downhill for miles.

The downhill started steep but not too rocky. Unfortunately, most of the first few miles required us to ride our brakes 100% of the time. Eventually this gave way to a more gradual slope, and we slowly up ticked our average moving speed. Humerously enough, when we had made our way down to the other side, our overall average was still slower than when we hike.

Ten miles later, ice cold soda in Lincoln, MT. A couple hours after that we were having ice cream in Ovando, MT. Tonight we are staying in Ovando. We were able to reserve the county Hoosgow (jail) from the historic museum in the town. They allow cyclists to sleep in their jail cell (no longer functioning). This wooden hut with iron bars was built in the late 1800s and has housed some of Ovando's deviant criminals. It is a little toasty in this wooden box, but what a fun experience,

Live life at a slower place.

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1 comment:

  1. This adventure sounds like the Old West Days except they wouldn't have been riding bicycles. Glad you had ice cold soda and ice cream….journey on..with blessings of safety….. love ya :)
