31.8 miles
Total 292.3 miles
Day - Moving Avg 8.2
Day - Overall Avg 6.5
We have now covered about 10 percent of the intended miles, which is pretty amazing for me to think of it that way. But also frightening to me. I suppose frighten isn't quite right, maybe anxious. If I am only ten percent done, that means at this pace I need to have ten weeks. I have about eight to work with. Time to pick up the pace fatty. Oh speaking of being a fatty, I have already lost seven pounds. That is a pound a day. I think it's all water weight, because I am sweating more than a fat man doing aerobics in a sauna in a bikram yoga studio located in the Sahara, on a record setting day. I exaggerate of course, but damn if that direct sunlight doesn't beat me down.
Anyway, we slept in until 5:30 today before packing up and rolling our way to Pie Town. We immediately hit up one of the three Pie Cafes in town, where we didn't eat pie. We ate burgers and made plans to return for Pie later in the day. I bought a commemorative t shirt to build my town clothes collection back up. After lunch, we found our way to the Toaster House. Nita bought this house back in 1981, and discovered a few years later that it was on the Continental Divide Trail. She started a trail angel life soon after. Now she has moved to a house a few miles away, but has kept the Toaster House as a safe haven for weary bike and hike travelers.
It has been nice to get a shower in, and laundry done. Afterwards Apricots and I went back for Pie and Ice Cream. Even after the burger, pie, and ice cream I was down seven pounds. Awesome sauce.
Our goal is to bike the seventy two miles to Grants, NM tomorrow. We must rise early and do some riding before sunrise to beat the heat. It looks to be largely free of shade along the way.
Oh, I never ate seven pies. I am a bad monkey.
Live life at a slower place.
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Live life at a slower place.
Live life at a slower place.
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